Grind & Seal
Grinding And Sealing Concrete is a great way to provide a dust proof surface that can be installed at a lower cost than most Polished Concrete and Epoxy Flooring Systems.
What Are Grind And Seal Concrete Floors?
Grinding And Sealing Concrete Floors is a process where the existing concrete floor will be processed with Diamond Grinders to smooth or hone the concrete to transform the concrete substrate from a dull boring surface to a beautiful durable surface.
Grind & Seal Advantages
Sealed concrete provides a sustainable, green solution for your flooring needs.
Lower installed cost.
Quicker installation.
Dust proof.
Resists Stains.
Lower Maintenance Cost
Grind & Seal Applications
Office Floors.
Warehouse Floors.
Patio's & Out Side Dining Rooms.
Restaurant Dining Room Floor.
Types of Grind & Seal Floors
There are several processes for Grind and Seal Floors. Each type can be fitted for your specific use. Several Examples are:
Penetrating sealers.
Epoxy Sealers.
Acrylic Sealers.
Water Base Sealers.